Friday, January 29, 2010

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a conscious effort of developing a pattern related to use of natural resources to meet human needs while taking care of safety of environment. Sustainable development plans take care for present requirement while arranging provision for the future requirement also. The term sustainable development was first coined by Burtland Commission aiming an explanation for a development plan which can take care of present generation as well as can arrange the needs of next generation as well.

Sustainable development builds coordination between natural system and their “carrying capacities” and the social challenges faced by human community.
Sustainable development is a plan with three integral parts of it: these are sociopolitical sustainability, environmental sustainability, and economic sustainability.

The green police believe that sustainable development does not interfere or include green development into planning range because green development only prioritizes environmental sustainability over the cultural and economic considerations. Alternatively, advocates of sustainable developments opine that it is not possible to manage in many instances overall sustainability and the green development requirement simultaneously.

For example, an environment friendly plant may get shut down due to bankruptcy which should be considered as less sustainable than a plant easily maintained by community although the second one may not be as environment friendly as the first one.

Green Services

There are several green service projects that are happening all over the world. There are large proportions of landfill garbage which can be composted. You can start one of these at home and then work with institutional and restaurant kitchens to develop compost procedure and recipients. You can also start selling compost to gardeners. Plastic bottle recycling is another green service. Many soda bottles are land filled each year. You can consider building and obtaining plastic recycling containers and contact your nearest community recycling center to arrange for the pick up of such bottles and do not forget the concession stands and other areas outdoor. You can also start working for the local hardware or departmental stores to offer special sales on compact fluorescent bulbs and you can sell them as a part of your fund raising program. This will help the buyers to get a good deal on the bulbs and support a good cause and save energy. Cafeterias use large amount of cans for food. The green police encourage you to put out a bin to collect rinsed cans and recycle them or put them in to use for planting in other uses. Metals always have a good recycling value. So these are few of the Green services.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Green Job

Are you worried of the recent lay off? Is it that the increasing unemployment ratio disturbs you by any way? Well, then you need to know about green job that can actually be a great blessing in the recent times. This may really be the right time to start your career afresh with green jobs.

Also known as green- collar job by the United Nations Environment Program, it basically defines work opportunity in manufacturing, agriculture, research, administrative and the service sectors that can substantially contribute to the restoration and preservation of the quality of environment.

A green job specifically means those employment openings that help to protect and preserve biodiversity and ecosystem, reducing use of materials, energy and the water consumption. It’s a thriving industry that brings you a lot of options to select from.

The green police have compiled a list of the top 10 green jobs. These include:


You get green themed hotels making its way for the green travel employees which are in huge demand in the market.

Health Care

Holistic medicine and the alternative care programs are growing popular. This has opened the door for the alternative practitioners.

Next in line comes green learning, energy efficient construction and design practices, legal services, IT, energy jobs and more to bring you a whole new range of openings to make the best use.

Green Building Products

Products that are used for construction are not beneficial to the environment always. The modern day buildings are mostly edifices built of steel and glass that tower high into the sky. While such buildings may look good and give an impression of power it does not do anything for saving the environment which is already under threat thanks to us. Using green building products are now an option that is easily available and will help you to prove yourself as a social and responsible individual. But what exactly is a green building product and how do you know that it is eco friendly? Here are a few basic facts that you need to keep in mind while looking for green building products.

Products obtained from renewable sources like cork and wood are termed as green products. Bamboo is an excellent source as well. The green police believe it is important to select products that are certified by the FSC if you want your building materials to be eco friendly through and through. Paper, cardboard as well as some forms of plastic can be reused by recycling them again and again. Using such products will help you to contribute to the cause as well. Materials that do not have waste products are also considered to be safe for the environment.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Environmental Protection Policy

Adopting an environmental protection policy would be of extreme help for the cause of protecting our earth. These policies look after the specific environmental issues and work towards improvement properly. Some of such policies also help in building the sustainable development. The famous nongovernmental international charitable trust World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is the largest conservation organization of the world supports numerous projects and policies or the protection of the animals which are prone to extinction. This organization exercises conservatory policies on oceans life, freshwater ecosystems, pollution, endangered animals, and climate change.

The green police believe that an environmental protection policy on a certain environmental ground is now-a-days a common attempt by several countries like USA, Japan, India, Canada, Germany, UK, China, Sweden etc. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of USA makes environment assessments and impact research in various fields to release positive remedies and cure to the nature. An environmental protection policy may be about the animals’ protection, endangerment, extinction, sustainable usage, greenery protection, renewable energy, emission control, wetlands, global warming, swamp habitat, biome protection, rainforest protection, nuclear emissions, renewable products, weather extremity and so on. The policy enforcers not only launch and promote environmental improvements but also encourages the local people to participate. The United Nations Organization gives home to several bodies which work separately according to the distinct environmental protection policy.

Environmental Forestry

refers to the task of managing forests that may include planting of trees, oversee their growth, prevent them from being affected by pests and insects and also bringing them down in case they pose a threat to human or wildlife. Environmental forestry refers to going about the task in a scientific way so that there a sustainable supply of forest resources and services can be maintained. Forests constitute an integral part of the biosphere and therefore environmental forestry should essential combine technology and applied art to maintain the delicate balance of the forest ecosystems.

Environmental forestry came in vogue after there was a movement for sustainable forestry in some parts of the world in the 1990s. Certification systems from third parties were introduced to ensure that the forestry measures adopted were not damaging the surrounding environment. According to the green police, this held true for some of the less developed countries of the world were there were instances of massive deforestation.

Environmental forestry also takes into account the planting of trees so that there is minimal soil erosion that may even lead to sudden landslides and thus cause damage to life and property. In hilly terrains, forests hold the soils, especially from sliding down the slopes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eco Clothing

Saving the environment has become mandatory and the concept is rapidly graining ground as more and more people embrace the idea of going green with a vengeance. The various products that we use are now selected carefully to ascertain that we do not add to the pollutants that already burden our atmosphere. Clothing is one such article that needs to be considered carefully if we want to contribute our bit in saving the environment. Designers as well as the bigger companies engaged in the manufacture of clothes have introduced their own line of eco clothing which has popularized the concept of using eco friendly products as well.

Clothes made from artificial sources have become passé now with people all over the world opting for clothes made of natural fabrics as well as natural processes of manufacturing them. This ensures no harmful waste products and little or no damage to the environment. Organic cotton, Bamboo, soy as well as recycled fleece and hemp are now considered to be fashionable and most haute couture houses have started publicizing their own eco clothing brands. Baby clothes as well as furnishings are available in eco friendly options too and have proved to be beneficial to health as well.