Friday, January 29, 2010

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a conscious effort of developing a pattern related to use of natural resources to meet human needs while taking care of safety of environment. Sustainable development plans take care for present requirement while arranging provision for the future requirement also. The term sustainable development was first coined by Burtland Commission aiming an explanation for a development plan which can take care of present generation as well as can arrange the needs of next generation as well.

Sustainable development builds coordination between natural system and their “carrying capacities” and the social challenges faced by human community.
Sustainable development is a plan with three integral parts of it: these are sociopolitical sustainability, environmental sustainability, and economic sustainability.

The green police believe that sustainable development does not interfere or include green development into planning range because green development only prioritizes environmental sustainability over the cultural and economic considerations. Alternatively, advocates of sustainable developments opine that it is not possible to manage in many instances overall sustainability and the green development requirement simultaneously.

For example, an environment friendly plant may get shut down due to bankruptcy which should be considered as less sustainable than a plant easily maintained by community although the second one may not be as environment friendly as the first one.

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