Friday, January 22, 2010

Green Communities

Green communities are those that take up a program especially designed to provide support to community based energy projects. High pollution, loss of trees, energy conservation and many more such environmental issues can be taken care of if communities take up responsibilities and fulfill them to make their community green end eco friendly.

Green communities work together and keep their communities clean. If each community vouches to go green and take care of a few of the environmental issues then their cumulative effect can make a big difference to the environmental scenario of the planet.

The green police lay out a few of the jobs green communities do here:
  1. keeping the community clean by picking up litter
  2. catch rainwater, stop misuse of water and save as much water as possible
  3. preserve greenery and lakes to keep the environment clean and maintain the ecological balance
  4. resort to energy efficient modes of transportation, use cars less frequently as these emit harmful gases
  5. reuse and recycle
  6. keep their buildings energy efficient and adopt necessary steps
The world is facing serious environmental challenges in the present times. The harmful effects of environmental degradation are not felt immediately as these take place slowly. But these produce irreversible damages. Be a part of green communities and make your contribution.

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