Monday, January 18, 2010

Climate Change Issues

Climate change issues have dominated the world news for quite sometime now. While scientists predict a devastating future for mankind unless the changes in climatic conditions are not combated soon, international communities have begun to express concern over the state of global warming as well.

However, the first hurdle in actively trying to reverse the changes has been the lack of an international regulation or a binding timeframe that deals with negating the effects of Climate change issues. The problem has been solved to an extent at the Earth Summit of Rio where a total of 150 countries gave their consent in support of taking measures in order to combat the climatic change and global warming.

Initially, a few developed as well as the developing countries had reservations about formulating strict laws which called for making huge changes in the entire infrastructure. However, most of the nations have now been convinced about the perils of continuing as before and have managed to convince the multi billion dollar industry to adopt technologies that are environmentally friendly. According to the green police, the debate on Climate change issues still rages on with several developing nations placing the blame of polluting the environment squarely on the shoulders of the rich industrialized nations of the world.

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