Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eco Clothing

Saving the environment has become mandatory and the concept is rapidly graining ground as more and more people embrace the idea of going green with a vengeance. The various products that we use are now selected carefully to ascertain that we do not add to the pollutants that already burden our atmosphere. Clothing is one such article that needs to be considered carefully if we want to contribute our bit in saving the environment. Designers as well as the bigger companies engaged in the manufacture of clothes have introduced their own line of eco clothing which has popularized the concept of using eco friendly products as well.

Clothes made from artificial sources have become passé now with people all over the world opting for clothes made of natural fabrics as well as natural processes of manufacturing them. This ensures no harmful waste products and little or no damage to the environment. Organic cotton, Bamboo, soy as well as recycled fleece and hemp are now considered to be fashionable and most haute couture houses have started publicizing their own eco clothing brands. Baby clothes as well as furnishings are available in eco friendly options too and have proved to be beneficial to health as well.

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