Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Environmental Forestry

refers to the task of managing forests that may include planting of trees, oversee their growth, prevent them from being affected by pests and insects and also bringing them down in case they pose a threat to human or wildlife. Environmental forestry refers to going about the task in a scientific way so that there a sustainable supply of forest resources and services can be maintained. Forests constitute an integral part of the biosphere and therefore environmental forestry should essential combine technology and applied art to maintain the delicate balance of the forest ecosystems.

Environmental forestry came in vogue after there was a movement for sustainable forestry in some parts of the world in the 1990s. Certification systems from third parties were introduced to ensure that the forestry measures adopted were not damaging the surrounding environment. According to the green police, this held true for some of the less developed countries of the world were there were instances of massive deforestation.

Environmental forestry also takes into account the planting of trees so that there is minimal soil erosion that may even lead to sudden landslides and thus cause damage to life and property. In hilly terrains, forests hold the soils, especially from sliding down the slopes.

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