Thursday, January 28, 2010

Green Building Products

Products that are used for construction are not beneficial to the environment always. The modern day buildings are mostly edifices built of steel and glass that tower high into the sky. While such buildings may look good and give an impression of power it does not do anything for saving the environment which is already under threat thanks to us. Using green building products are now an option that is easily available and will help you to prove yourself as a social and responsible individual. But what exactly is a green building product and how do you know that it is eco friendly? Here are a few basic facts that you need to keep in mind while looking for green building products.

Products obtained from renewable sources like cork and wood are termed as green products. Bamboo is an excellent source as well. The green police believe it is important to select products that are certified by the FSC if you want your building materials to be eco friendly through and through. Paper, cardboard as well as some forms of plastic can be reused by recycling them again and again. Using such products will help you to contribute to the cause as well. Materials that do not have waste products are also considered to be safe for the environment.

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