Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Green Products

The products that do not damage our natural environment by causing irreversible change are considered to be green products. The biodiversity as well as the soil needs to be preserved in order to support life. The fertility of the soil needs to be maintained in order to grow agricultural crops which in turn help to feed the multitudes of living creatures. It is but obvious that we would only serve to hinder our progress if we go on destroying the earth’s crust without thinking of the future.

Diversity of both flora as well as the fauna that inhabit the earth are needed for our own existence. Different species of trees help us to obtain lumber along with the crucial ingredients for many live saving medicines as well. The rain forests as well as the hinterlands and mangrove forests that abound in the tropical regions are all required for protecting us from devastating natural disasters. The clean environmental elements like water and air helps to sustain our own health as well.

The green police have indicated that although there are a number of companies pronouncing their products as green, the products need to comply with the recognizable standards that have been set for green products. Green Seal and Energy Star are such standards apart from other internationally recognized governmental standards which endorse a product as green product.

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